Louis Nine House


Many of the residents at LNH have experienced multiple foster care placements, emotional trauma, neglect and/or abuse, and many also have a history of substance use.

Louis Nine House (LNH) is home to 46 young adults (aged 18-25) who have aged out of foster care or experienced homelessness and mental illness. On-site supportive services help them work toward independence.

Housing is just the beginning.

NCS recognizes that the complex factors contributing to homelessness demand solutions that incorporate housing along with sustained, individualized, and multi-faceted support services.

Linking housing with services is an evidence-based approach that has been shown to be effective in improving housing stability, especially for chronically homeless individuals, as well as employment status, and mental and physical health.

At Louis Nine House, we provide affordable housing and an integrated continuum of support services designed to help young adults achieve stability, maintain sobriety, and work toward the self-sufficiency needed to obtain and sustain permanent housing and independence.

Through case management, onsite psychiatric services, and Options (NCS’s vocational and educational program), residents are supported in advancing their personal development, pursuing their education, identifying career interests, acquiring vocational skills, and securing employment.

Get to know the residents