Louis Nine House
Many of the residents at LNH have experienced multiple foster care placements, emotional trauma, neglect and/or abuse, and many also have a history of substance use.
Louis Nine House (LNH) is home to 46 young adults (aged 18-25) who have aged out of foster care or experienced homelessness and mental illness. On-site supportive services help them work toward independence.

Housing is just the beginning.
NCS recognizes that the complex factors contributing to homelessness demand solutions that incorporate housing along with sustained, individualized, and multi-faceted support services.
Linking housing with services is an evidence-based approach that has been shown to be effective in improving housing stability, especially for chronically homeless individuals, as well as employment status, and mental and physical health.

At Louis Nine House, we provide affordable housing and an integrated continuum of support services designed to help young adults achieve stability, maintain sobriety, and work toward the self-sufficiency needed to obtain and sustain permanent housing and independence.
Through case management, onsite psychiatric services, and Options (NCS’s vocational and educational program), residents are supported in advancing their personal development, pursuing their education, identifying career interests, acquiring vocational skills, and securing employment.

Get to know the residents
Tamia has moved out of Louis Nine House (LNH), NCS’s supportive housing program for young adults, and into her own apartment!
TiAsia, a Louis Nine House resident and Options client, had her design featured in Harper’s Bazaar’s piece on Custom Collaborative!
Last week, Louis Nine House resident TiAsia was featured in Vogue for her work as part of Custom Collaborative, a 14-week intensive design program that teaches low-income and immigrant women about fashion design, the fashion industry, and sustainability!
TiAsia spends her days honing her design craft and making plans for a career in the fashion industry. But connecting with this passion wasn’t always easy.
Teila’s childhood was not easy. From a young age, she suffered from abandonment and abuse. She stayed with various family members but by the time she was 15, she was on her own and living in youth shelters, trying not to give up hope. But her life began to turn around when she moved into Louis Nine House at age 22.
Before Lakia moved into Louis Nine House in 2021, they had lived in four different homeless shelters over the course of three years. They had loved art and being creative since childhood but didn't have the outlet to follow their passion.
Muray, an NCS client, has dreamed of becoming a professional fashion designer for a long time. When NCS’s vocational staff connected her with the Bombas Mentorship Program, she got “feet-on” industry experience like she never had before.
“I’m actually getting my life together,” Ciree shared. “I’m stable now, and don’t worry about where I’m sleeping tomorrow. There are so many resources here at NCS. I’m so happy here. I’ve turned my life around.”
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Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter provides a home for people who have experienced homelessness— but we do so much more than that.
Juan, a young adult living at Louis Nine House, met a major goal with the help of the Options vocational program.
“I am so thankful to Bombas for this program. It gives people like me who didn’t go to design school or don’t have the right experiences on my resume a chance to show our talent and to gain the experience we need to keep going. They are open to giving everyone a chance to succeed.”
“I’m going to remember this building for many reasons but I’ll mostly remember it for making me the woman I am today. I became independent while I was here.” Read more from Juamesha...
Last month, The Supportive Housing Network of New York named Louis Nine House (LNH) resident Tyler Cruell the Young Adult Outstanding Tenant of the Year and celebrated him at their virtual gala. Meet Tyler and see why he was chosen!
After Dawson spoke at Celebrating Innovation he continued to speak and network with attendees. With the support of his neighbors, Dawson connected with a property management company, had an interview on February 10th, and was hired later that same day!
E grew up in the foster care system, always feeling alone. When he first arrived at Louis Nine House he was uncomfortable around the other tenants. Today, E credits the NCS team and the services at Louis Nine House with giving him a voice.
When she was 18 years old, TJ was running out of options. She lived with her grandfather in the Bronx, until he kicked her out. TJ started house hopping, staying with friends and relatives who could offer her a temporary place to sleep.
“I think I was born to love art. During my time here at Louis Nine House, I have been blessed to receive so much support. LNH is not only a safe place for me to rest my head but a place where I find peace and inspiration to make my art.” Read more from Juan...
“I always say ‘Teamwork makes the dream work.’ I see this in my life too. Since I’ve been here [at NCS] I’ve learned a lot like to always respect yourself and others will respect you too.” Read more from Norka...
“I started writing music when I was 17. I’m 29 now so it’s been 12 years. I’m not famous but I’m not gonna give up. Performing at the NCS Gallery Night felt great. It felt like soaking in everyone’s energy.” Read more from K...
“I’m passionate about cosmetology and art. I used to always watch my mom do her hair, and I was always passionate about her doing different styles. I knew I wanted to open a salon and have my own clients come in and make them feel comfortable.” Read more from Ivory…