Options: Creating Independence

NCS provides housing for New Yorkers who need it—but housing is not always enough. Many people who experience homelessness also need other services to achieve independence, which is why NCS offers additional programs to help our clients thrive. This includes Options, our vocational, education and employment program, which opened over twenty-five years ago. 

A job that pays a living wage is a key part of breaking the cycle of poverty—but that can be difficult to find with all of the barriers that a history of homelessness creates. Options helps our clients overcome those barriers by working with them one-on-one to identify their strengths and weaknesses. They set our clients up for success with a range of services including computer training, interview preparation, access to professional clothing donations, and resume coaching. Options staff members also continue working with clients after they get a job to help them remain stably employed and identify opportunities for advancement. 

You may have read about some of the Options clients’ successes, including: 








Options has helped these clients, and hundreds of others, overcome barriers and take the necessary steps to independence. We look forward to empowering even more people in the future.